Summer Gardens to envy….
As Summer rolls around, and the weather gets warmer, so the magnificent gardens of Granny Mouse Country House & Spa return to all their usual colourful glory. Having been known for so many years, as a Hotel with truly magnificent gardens, we decided that we’d share some of our tips with you, so that you too can share in the joy that is a beautiful garden.
One of the first things that we can offer as advice is that gardens should be a place to alleviate stress, and because of this, there are three simple rules that we abide by; weeding, watering, and the division of plants. If you can master this art, you’re half way to having an amazing garden and getting yourself to the point of truly enjoying time in your garden.
With the increase in temperature over the summer months, you can be sure that your plants will be feeling the heat, so choose hardy perennials that can withstand summer heat and occasional drought. Perennials such as ornamental grasses, fringed bleeding heart, echinacea, lady’s mantle, artemesia, vinca vine, sedum, hostas, coreopsis (tickseed), daylilies are all workhorses that need minimal attention.
If gardening really isn’t your thing, but you love the visual effect that a beautifully manicured garden presents, then look at planting shrubs and small trees, which will not only instantly provide a quick fix look, but will add some height dimension to your gardens. Smaller trees such as lollipop trees can create an extremely sophisticated look, and bar having to prune the odd pop-out branch, they are largely low maintenance.
In order to ensure that your new garden thrives, remember that you may need to increase the fertility of the soil with some good quality fertilizer, or make your own with mulch (garden and grass cuttings) which will not only increase the quality of your soil, but will aid in reducing water evaporation and will discourages the growth of weeds.
Of course, a gardener’s work is never done, but just remember that there are many low-maintenance options out there than can help you in creating a show-ready garden, so this summer, take some time out and alleviate your stress with a little bit of dirt!